Q: What is happening?
A: If your domain was previously managed by Lycos Domains but was moved to Hover, your domain's email continued to be provided by Lycos through the duration of your Lycos Domains subscription plan's term. If your Lycos Domains subscription plan's term ended, the email service will not continue unless you a purchase a Lycos Domains email subscription plan.
Q: What is the Lycos Domains email subscription plan?
A: The Lycos Domains email subscription plan provides email for your domain when the domain itself is not managed by Lycos Domains.
Q: What alternative options do I have?
A: Most domain resellers, including Hover, offer a way of purchasing email for a domain through their website. In some cases it may be included with the cost of the domain. One option is to purchase email for your domain through a different provider. Please be aware that existing received messages will not transfer to the new email hoster. We recommend downloading the messages via POP before switching your domain's email provider.
Q: How much does the Lycos Domains email subscription plan cost?
A: The base plan costs $3.95/year and includes 1 mailbox and 3 forwards. You can purchase additional units, each of which includes an extra mailbox and 3 extra forwards. Each unit costs $3.95/yr.
Q: How much time do I have?
A: Starting from when your original Lycos Domains subscription plan's term ended, after 30 days we will send an email to you. 30 days after that, we will disable mailboxes and forwards under the domain. And 30 days after that, we will delete the mailboxes and forwards under the domain. In total, you have 90 days to either purchase a Lycos Domain email subscription, or download the messages and purchase email for your domain from another provider.
Q: How do I purchase a Lycos Domains email subscription plan?
A: To purchase the Lycos Domains email subscription plan, login in to your Lycos Domains account and visit: https://domains.lycos.com/email/