If you have forgotten your password, we can reset it for you. Please go to the forgot password page and follow these steps:

1. In the field provided, enter your member name or the email address you used to sign up for your account.

2. Click the Reset Password button.

If verified, your password reset information will be emailed to the account email address. This message will be sent from "LYCOS Mail Customer Service" with the subject "LYCOS Mail Password Change". Please be sure to check your "Spam" or "Junk" folder if the email does not arrive shortly.

Once you receive the email, click on the link provided and follow these steps:

1. In the fields provided, enter your New Password and again to verify it. Your passwords must be at least six characters and are case-sensitive. Make certain caps-lock is turned off before typing in your password.

2. Click the Reset Password button. If successful, your Lycos Mail inbox appears.